Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Botanic Gardens

Ok, I swear I'm going to start updating again! Well, at least for a little while, until we leave for Bend for a week >.<

I'm going to begin at the beginning, or more accurately, where I stopped updating, that is, somewhere in the middle of exam time. For starters we've got a quickie:

Just before things really got hectic in the last couple weeks of school, we walked to the Adelaide Botanic Gardens one day. Every major city in Australia seems to have a Royal Botanic Garden, but Adelaide's was one of the nicest I saw (probably only outdone by those in Sydney). I'm not going to write much, because mostly what we did was walk around, look at plants, and enjoy the fact that it was a beautiful day. You want photos, so I'm going to stop talking and give you what you want. A highlight is the extended section in the middle that consists of pictures of Katherine as she tried to wrestle the camera away from me.


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